Übernachten Sie im "La Tempera"
Wir begrüßen das ganze Jahr über Künstler, Schriftsteller und Kreative für einen Zeitraum von einem bis sechs Monaten.
Jeder Bewohner organisiert seinen eigenen Zeitplan und seine eigenen Aktivitäten und hat auch die Möglichkeit, sich zu gemeinsamen Mahlzeiten, Filmabenden, Yoga-Sitzungen, Wanderungen und Ausflügen zur Erkundung lokaler Sehenswürdigkeiten zu treffen.

in Burgund
La Tempera Art Residency, in collaboration with the visual artist and performer Malvina Tsiora, is hosting a variety of inspiring workshops and retreats for the Summer of 2025, related to Body Movement Practices and Visual Arts. ♒︎
Gatherings are taking place in June during the weekends, for either one or two days, and in July a whole week retreat, as the highlight of the season. 𓄼𓄹𓄼𓄹
Regarding the two-day workshops, the fees for accommodation and meals are extra and optional, so “drop-ins” are always welcome; still it is necessary to reserve your spot (until 10 May)
In case of interest for the retreat of July, all accommodation/food & workshops will be included in a package, as we aim to ensure a coherent atmosphere of intimacy and fidelity among the participants of the group/community.
The intention behind these gatherings is to create a web among artists from different places and backgrounds, as well as to interact, explore and create collectively on the spot, on the base of authenticity and care in nature. ๑
Inspiration is a collective matter and what we contribute as individuals may have a powerful and healing impact on the community.
For more info & for confirming your spot please contact:
(+30) 694 648 2412 - What's App
*Reservations until 10 May ⸙

Räume und Preise

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Raum Paul Eluard
Helles und luftiges Loft (8 m hoch) mit Terrasse, einem Wohnzimmer von 62 m², zwei Zwischengeschossen von 13 und 20 m², zwei Badezimmern und zwei Schlafzimmern. Ideal für 2 bis 4 Künstler: Designer, Drehbuchautoren, Schriftsteller.
Preis für einen Monat: 1.350 € für 1 Person, 1.800 € für 2 Personen, 20 € pro Nacht und jede weitere Person (maximal 4 Personen).

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Raum Claude Monet
Maisonette mit 100 m² (60 im Erdgeschoss und 40 im Obergeschoss) und Terrasse mit Gartenblick, geeignet für Maler, Designer, Illustratoren, Geschichtenerzähler und Forscher.
Das Set ist rustikal und funktional:
Im Erdgeschoss: eine 60m² große Werkstatt mit Küchenzeile und einer Wand zum Heften von Papier und Leinwand (2 x 2,5 m). Im Obergeschoss: ein Dachstudio von 40 m² (Höhe 5 m), Badezimmer und separates WC. Es ist möglich, auf beiden Etagen Betten aufzustellen.
Preis für einen Monat: 900 € für eine Person, 20 € pro Nacht und jede weitere Person (maximal 2 Personen).

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Der Espace Cézanne ist ein Raum für Maler, Schriftsteller und Designer im ersten Stock des Hauses mit dem blauen Baum.
Die Gemäldewand ist 5,45 m lang und 2,45 m hoch mit Blick auf einen ruhigen Garten, mit Bad und WC, Deckenhöhe 6 m, mit Holzofen, ideal für ruhige Menschen, die neue Energie tanken möchten.
Die Internetverbindung ist gut. Preis für einen Monat: 800€ für eine Einzelperson.

Altbau (18. Jahrhundert) mit Garten, Atelier für Maler (45 m2), Küchenzeile, Schlafzimmer-Büro im Obergeschoss mit angrenzendem Badezimmer & Garten.

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Die Bibliothek (63 m²): Lese- und Lernraum, Ausstellung und Bühne.
Das Wohnzimmer (30 m²): Projektions- und Gesprächsraum neben der Gemeinschaftsküche.

Der Garten
1/2 Hektar inklusive Gemeinschaftsgärten und Außenflächen für Veranstaltungen und künstlerische Aktivitäten.

A workshop related to the principles of presence “on stage”, aiming to explore, among others, the ways of relating within a group while performing.
A playful method, created by a well known physical theater group, that intends to introduce “performance” as a way of interaction, involving individuals in a constant state of Responding and Reacting while “acting”.
[Part 1: Ball game]
[Part 2: Movement and Improvisation partitures]
*Ideal for performers and anyone seeking to develop non-verbal
communication codes within a group - no previous experience required
Duration: 5 h
Participation fee: 50€
Min people 5 - Max 15

A gathering for Body*Movement Practices related to “Somatics” methods and “Contact Improvisation” principles.
A course that intends to bring individuals in touch with our own bodies and from that state in contact with other bodies. “Somatics” is an umbrella that embraces many embodiment techniques, that come from different teachers and practitioners. What they have in common is that they work through experiential anatomy, by bringing the focus of attention to the oversight of the body. Somatics may be, among others, a useful tool for performers. Through movement and Active Imagination, we observe how our bodies move and react, any patterns that may arise, while slowly reaching the primal source of movement.
In the second stage, we will explore some principles regarding Consensual Contact and Instant Composition through contact, creating embodiment dialogues and discovering new potentials of expression & communication.
*no previous experience required - although it is very welcome.
Duration: 2 days – 12 h
Participation fee: 130€
Accommodation: 75€ (3 meals included)

A research that aims to create some space for our dreams. Inspired by the wonderful work by Gaston Bachelard “The poetics of space”, we are integrating such resources, in order to reveal the symbols and archetypes of our own sub-conscious space.
Through Automatic Writing, Movement, Active Imagination and Drawing we will record and capture stories from within our depths.
For the Aboriginals and other Indigenous Peoples, Dreaming is an objective and at the same time a collective process. Nothing is separate, everything is a temporary node within a process of flow. Such an approach allows access to interpersonal creativity and to a deeper understanding. When working with the concept of “Dream Time”, we engage with the side of ourselves, that has access to the collective intelligence.
*Ideal for all kinds of artists or non-artists.
Duration: 2 days (10 h)
Participation fee: 140€
Accommodation: 75€ (3 meals included)
21 - 22 JUNE BODIES OF WATER - Workshop & Exhibition

A course about fluidity. Inspired by the amazing work of Hydro-Feminist Astrida Neimanis, we are diving into the qualities that water carries, through guided movement, rooting to “Somatics” as well as “Physical Theater” principles. By reconnecting with the element of water, we re-member and re-late in the base of care, through Movement, Drawing, Instant Poetry and Composition.
* What if we think of embodiment as watery? Maybe then we might experience ourselves less as isolated entities and more as oceanic eddies. Water just allows other things to be. Nor passive nor aggressive state nor same nor different but sharing. It holds. It allows to flourish. It sustains. It cares. Water is between bodies and off bodies before us and beyond us but also very presently this body too. It holds things in relation.
from “Bodies of Water”
by Astrida Neimanis
Duration: 2 Days, 10 h + Exhibition
Participation fee: 140€
Accommodation: 75€ (3 meals included)

Clay as the “Earth-Element” - Creation as a Sensory Experience.
Ceramics stand as the oldest form of artistic expression in human history. Clay has been one of the primal sources of creations, shaping everyday-projects as well as building habitats, being used as the very base. This gathering is a calling for re-collecting some fragments of the past in order to form and transform the present, by observing the attitude of the element itself, and experimenting with potentials such as flexibility and vulnerability.
*no previous experience required
Duration: 4h
Participation fee: 50€
The 4 elements are forces of transformation in any kind of creative action.
In this course we are going to dive into their different shapes and qualities, as they manifest in the landscape within and outside our bodies.
We will explore ways and waves of motion, that fire/water/air/earth+ bring and carry. We will map and locate them in our physical state, in order to move them, experimenting through Instant Composition / Performance / Poetry / Painting / Sculpting & more.
This is a call for all kinds of artists, with the aim to share an interartistic experience with what is already there, yet waiting to unfold.
Duration: 7 Days (40 h)
Participation fee: 325€
Accommodation: 210€
Meals: 140€ (x3 meals & snacks)


Malvina Tsiora
I am coming from the world of Visual Art. I have graduated as a painter from the Fine Art University in Athens, Greece, while I followed a six month training course at ArtEZ university in Netherlands , related to Performance art and painting. Since my graduation (2017) I work as a freelance artist, participating in group projects as well as in solo art exhibitions. At the same time I am building creative and educational workshops for kids related to painting and for adults when it comes to body movement practices. The last years find me involved in several groups, seminars and trainings related to Performance, Physical Theater, Contemporary dance, Contact Improvisation and “Somatics” methods, experimenting with different ways of relating and improvising, broadening the potentials of an inter-creative experience. As a woman and as an artist I support, among others, community living, informal states of education and creation in the base of inclusion, consent communication and care.
Ihr Platz wird Ihnen bei Ihrer Ankunft zugewiesen und die anderen Gebäude sind privat.
Wir danken Ihnen, dass Sie die Räumlichkeiten im gleichen Zustand wie bei Ihrer Ankunft verlassen.
Aus Rücksicht auf die Umwelt bitten wir Sie, energieeffizient zu sein (z. B. das Licht auszuschalten, wenn Sie einen Raum verlassen).
Für Ihre Vorräte gibt es Entrains-sur-Nohain in 4 km Entfernung (Markt mittwochs) und Clamecy in 20 km Entfernung, mittelalterliche Stadt (alle Geschäfte) und Etais-la-Sauvin (Lebensmittelgeschäft).
Wenn der Künstler kein Auto hat, kann er im Rahmen des Zumutbaren Fahrräder bei La Tempéra ausleihen und sich von einem der festen Mitglieder des Veranstaltungsortes fahren lassen.
Stellen Sie nach 22 Uhr sicher, dass der Ort ruhig ist.
La Tempéra akzeptiert keine Haustiere (außer Fisch), Drogen oder Alkohol, mit Ausnahme von Tischwein.
Dahin kommen
Mit dem Zug
Nehmen Sie den Zug von Paris (Bercy station) nach Cosne-sur-Loire (1h40, mehrere Züge täglich). Wir können Sie am Bahnhof Cosne-sur-Loire abholen.
Mit dem Auto
"La Tempéra liegt in Château-du-Bois, einem Weiler 5 km von der Stadt Entrains-sur-Nohain entfernt. Hier finden Sie uns auf Google Maps. Die Fahrt von Paris dauert etwa 2 Stunden.

Adresse : 6 route des Vilnots, Château-du-Bois, 58410 Entrains sur Nohain, France
Email : latempera.contact@gmail.com
Telefon : +33 6 37 09 66 60